Friday, November 29, 2019

Keeping it real

We are in San Antonio, arrived last week.  Did you know San Antonio is the seventh largest city in the United States?  We have been out and about in the city, both downtown and in the suburbs.  Trust me, San Antonio is enormous.  But, then, isn't everything bigger in Texas?

We are in a tight spot in our new location, and I'm still not sure if we're in San Antonio or a suburb.  The only thing I can say with any certainty is that we are exactly four miles from SeaWorld.  I know this because the Waze app sends us out of our way so as to pass the park at every opportunity.

At our last campsite, we were advised to always watch out for trees when parking.  A picture is worth a thousand words. Here we are at our new campsite.  Consort stood outside the camper and watched as I carefully opened the slide.  There is no room to spare.

The trailers are parked very close to each other.  We share our "front yard" with the trailer across from us.  Our front doors face each other with barely space for a picnic table between.  We share our space with our neighbor's three kids; they share their space with our three dogs.  So far, it's all good.

This park, interestingly enough, backs up to a gun range.  The website didn't mention this.  After four or five days, though, the sound of guns being fired in the backyard becomes much less jarring.  But there are amenities.  We have cable.  I believe I am caught up on all the news.

I have been processing and digesting, sorting out my life here lately.  I have felt the need to pause and catch my breath.  These past three months have zipped by.  It's nearly impossible to get brain, body and life in sync.  There are times I'm not even sure what city I'm in.  But I am pleased that consort and I had the courage to believe we could live this new life.  It isn't easy and, at times, situations can be downright hard, but it's always exciting.  And there is laughter, lots of laughter.  It's a blast sharing adventures with your very best friend - and I don't mean the dogs.

Did you know there's an IKEA in San Antonio????

Consort and I, and all three mangy mongrels, were headed to my brother's house for Thanksgiving yesterday.  On the way, I saw it:  IKEA.  I was speechless, I am still.  Okay, okay.  I know I lead a very small life, but I have wanted to go to an IKEA store since I first became aware of it ten years ago.  The closest I've ever gotten was in NYC, and then I was trapped in the airport and could only drool on the window as I gazed longingly at it across the water.  I was ready for consort to drop me immediately at the nearest entrance.  Unfortunately, we already had plans for the day, the store was closed, and we totally missed the exit.

Thanksgiving day was wonderful.  We had lunch with the same group that met for BBQ in Elgin, plus my nephew, who was home from school.  After a perfect lunch, we decided to play a little pool.  My brother has a pool table that belonged to our grandfather set up in his house.  Challenges were thrown down, bragging ensued, and at least two different types of pool were played -- either that, or my nephew was changing the rules to keep me confused.  It's anybody's guess who came out on top at the end of the day, but I think it was me:  The day was delicious.

And the three mangy mongrels?  They spent a lot of time outdoors in the huge, fenced backyard.  They ran and barked to their hearts' content.  If Bella had been wearing lipstick, it would have been smeared on both ears. 

IKEA  I am in love with the lighting IKEA offers.  I was astounded by the really low prices.  I am thrilled with the variety, colors, fabrics, innovative designs.  We spent a very large portion of the day today strolling the aisles.  Consort pushed a cart and I tossed in most everything I wanted.   As a thank you, I made him fried chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner.  You've got to keep the cart pusher happy, right?

Let's Work Together - Wilbert Harrison

1 comment:

Kim Sykes said...