Tuesday, March 31, 2020

22 Things To Do While Sheltering In Place

1.  Pick a foreign accent and talk in it all day.

2.  Answer an ad on how to make BIG money at home.

3.  Make a Halloween costume out of things in your closet.

4.  Learn Morse code.

5.  Practice to become the world's fastest remote control user.

6.  Enter a sweepstakes.

7.  Mix up a unique facial mask from your lunch.

8.  Practice your kissing technique on a pocket mirror.

9.  Name the seven dwarfs.

10.  Name the fifty states; now try their capitals.

11.  Name the ten Canadian provinces.

12.  Teach yourself to shuffle cards like a casino dealer.

13.  Recite the alphabet backwards.

14.  See how long you can go without blinking.

15.  Write your family history in rhymed verse.

16.  Call the local radio station and ask how many CDs and tapes they have.

17.  Compose a letter to your local newspaper editor on a topic that bothers you.

18.  Plan how you would spend your money if you won the lottery.

19.  Draw happy faces on your toes.

20.  Call a talk show and say you're a space alien.  See if they notice.

21.  Paste together your own wish book from mail order catalogs.

22.  Make a list of 100 wildly exciting things to do when you're no longer sheltering in place.

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