The pictures do not lie, but neither do they tell the whole story. They are merely a record of time passing, the outward evidence. ~Paul Auster
Our last day with brother and sister-in-law in Mesa.
We stopped at the fire department to check out nephew's engine.
The truck needed to be taken "out of service" for a quarter hour,
so nephew agreed to take us for a ride.
Headphones and seatbelts required.
No lights or siren.
It was really pretty cool.
I found this lamp at the local Goodwill store. I fell completely in love with it. It is not practical as the lamp is made of glass bowls and saucers. Notice the palm trees? My indulgent sister-in-law went back to the Goodwill unbeknownst to me and procured the lamp for me. We paired it with a lampshade we picked up earlier while shopping at IKEA.
Night falling on our final night in Phoenix.
Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne