Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Amarillo, Texas...


…has been a breath of fresh air.  I think I came with preconceived notions about Amarillo which reality has happily changed. 
There is W.I.N.D. here.  We started this adventure in northeastern Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains nearly all day every day, but the wind in Oklahoma is nothing compared with the west Texas wind.  It comes in about the same time every day like a tropical rainstorm.  And, like tropical rainstorms, after a couple of hours, it fades away.  When the wind stops blowing, you have perfection:  hot sun, cool temps, blue skies.  Delightful! 
Now, having said that, we’re headed out in the morning.  The weather prediction for tomorrow reads 70% chance of SNOW SHOWERS – ack!  Who wants to deal with that?  We head south.
I’ve had a few epiphanies this week.  One is that we are full-time RVers.  **I’ve never said I was quick**  As far as I can tell, our days are split three ways:  travel days, life days, and vacation days.  Our days in Amarillo have been for living life. We’ve eaten well, rested, caught up on chores, shopped, visited two out of three local dog parks, and generally taken care of business.
Yesterday, however, was a vacation day.  We took the three dogs and headed out to explore Palo Duro.  We weren’t overly enthusiastic having just come from the wilds of the Oklahoma Panhandle, but Palo Duro was beautiful and really different.  The thing I found most surprising was how green everything is.  That’s not to say there’s not a lot of dirt in varying shades, there is, but there are also green trees turning gold.  There is grass. 

Palo Duro is the second largest canyon in the USA.  We were spellbound, not only by the scenery, but by campers brave enough to pull fifth wheels larger than ours down switchback roads to the bottom of the canyon.  There’s no doubt it would be beautiful camping there.  Maybe another time, when consort and I have more experience.

Coyote Bluff Cafe

The best part of Amarillo – aside from the RV site where we’re currently parked – was dinner at Coyote Bluff.  The exterior of the building might make you wonder about your choice of dining establishments, but we were intrigued. 

Once we walked in the door, we were hooked.  We were greeted by great music and a complete lack of television; friendly, smiling, efficient wait staff; rustic, warped wood floors and flea market finds on the walls.  Best of all, there was a clawfoot tub full of iced beer that seemed to be calling our names.  The burgers were perfect, well worth a letter home.  My burger had guacamole and green chilies and was definitely one of the best burgers I’ve had the pleasure of consuming. 

Maybe it was the atmosphere, maybe it was the great food and conversation, maybe it was the free-flowing apple beer, whatever the reason, consort and I paid the bill then decided to hang out and have another drink.  Consort got the t-shirt.

1 comment:

Traveling along side by side said...

Coyote Bluff! Yes, a fun adventure!