Saturday, February 1, 2020

Kite Fest

Consort and I, and the three mangy mongrels, made our way to the South Padre Island International Kite Festival today.  We went without expectations and left with a new appreciation for kite flying skills.    

There were massive kites flying overhead on one side of the beach while smaller kites were being flown on the opposing side.  The smaller kites were sync'd to music and performed an aerial ballet.  There was anywhere from two to thirteen individual kites flying together with grace and precision.  One performance showcased three two-string kites being flown by one handler.  When there were multiple kites being flown by different handlers, you could see the strings crossing and tangling.   And then, with a slight movement by the handlers, the strings would untangle and the kites would soar off into different directions.  The kites were flown one after another in lines that looked like ripples in a pond when a pebble is dropped.  They came together to form circles that exploded outwards only to come back together again to form the shape of a heart.  We were stupefied.  A picture is worth a thousand words, so allow me to show you what we saw.  The short video clip shows the circle formation being performed by 11 kites.

 I had a long talk with the three mangy mongrels prior to attending the kite fest.  I told them they had to be on their very best behavior.  For D.O.G., that means no jumping on strangers who want to admire his uniqueness.  For Bella, it means no crazy barking when you happen to see another dog.  And Annie, well, we just want her to stay awake and keep up without complaining too much.

1 comment:

Traveling along side by side said...

The family pic of all 5 of you is priceless!