Sunday, February 9, 2020

The day in pictures

The dogs must have had a meeting last night that consort and I were not privy to.  First thing this morning, they let consort and I know they were B.O.R.E.D. walking around the same loop in the RV park and asked if we might go somewhere with new smells, something new to roll in, someplace with no scary views of the dog pound.  Bella was elected to deliver the manifesto, and she dispatched their proclamation with gusto.  She stood on her hind legs and pawed the air, begging; she grinned -- a rarity for Bella -- and wagged her tail.  Who can resist?  We went to downtown Brownsville and walked up one street and down the next covering the entire business section.  The West Highland Terrier in Bella came out and it was nose to the ground throughout the walk.  Her diligent efforts were rewarded when she located, and happily scarfed down, a few tasty treats she found stuck to the sidewalk.  D.O.G. was petted, admired, and fawned over by most of the humans he encountered.  Annie wasn't thrilled with all the exercise, but kept up.  It seems that her contribution to the coup des chiens was simply "more and longer truck rides," which didn't really happen.

Here are a few visuals from our excursion.

The border crossing between USA and Mexico

People washing clothes in the Rio Grande River on the Mexico side

Most of the buildings in downtown Brownsville date back to the late 1800s.

The house, now a museum, belonged to Catherine B. Stillman.  The street scene is Church on the Street on a Sunday afternoon.

And, obviously, this is the store where Cinderella's fairy godmother found her a dress for the ball

1 comment:

Traveling along side by side said...

Bella and I are on the same page, BORED of the smells (my not always tasty dinners), of the same scary views (dirty dishes) and the need to roll on down the highway....we'll be seeing you soon.